Multi Gel Remover® can be used for the following appliances:carrier solvent in lithography process formulationsphotoresistantireflective coatingpolyimidephotosensitive polyimide developerchemical shrinkmetal hard maskactive agent in edge bead removalremoval of paintremoval of greaseremoval of oilremoval of glueremoval of enamelremoval of inkremoval of rustcleaning of printheadscleaning of PCBsstripping of woodphotoresist stripperpolyimide adhesivesemiconductor directed self-assemblydisplay orientation coating productsprinted circuit boardslevel sensorsflow metersthermo-controllersLCD monitorsremoval of resinremoval of chewing gumremoval of weeds biodegradable methodremoval of graffitiremoval of nail polishcleaning of brakessolvent for polymerscleaning of light alloy wheels